Education for Appraisers

For the most part, appraisers do their jobs well; they are ethical, competent and professional. These are the customers Valuation Compliance Resource seeks. We provide practical “rubber-meets-the-road” appraiser continuing education that is applicable in your daily practice.

Mr. Keith has hundreds of hours of teaching experience in the areas of appraisal principles and procedures, advanced concepts and case studies, income property appraisal, effective appraisal report writing and the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice.

For 13 years Bob was responsible, as Executive Director of a State Appraiser Board, for deciding which appraiser acts and/or practices did or did not meet minimum Professional Standards! Bob’s insight and experience is invaluable to appraisers seeking meaningful continuing education.

Please contact Bob directly for a schedule of upcoming classes, to suggest a course topic, or to help organize a course in your area!

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